a series of unfortunate events

im touched. lihui came online just to share this video with me. i lubb you (learn from danz).
Super Junior - U

went to study again. LOL. i believe such a thing called KARMA. offender's phone got snatched by victim. "Hi. I lubb you." was sent to wenjian, jason and minhua. =.= stupid daniel. haha, but i sent "I love you" to jinghui using danz hp!! and jinghui called him!! LOL.

a series of unfortunate events for me. the female lead is not me. i repeat, NOT ME. call me fat and ugly, be my guest. disgusting? it's an understatement. bitchy? very. but please don't niao me about assets which i DON'T have. grrrrr. i never qian2 tu1!! im sorry, but it's hard not to be sensitive since i've been tolerating it for the past six years. =____=

and YOU. no point telling me you got expelled, cos you PON and you got debarred due to poor attendance. it's not like i never persuade you before, and don't give me all the "i dont like to be controlled" bullshit, for heaven's sake you are nineteen.

good thing: thanks amelia!!!!! omg... mirotic, mirotic, mirotic.

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