Belated celebration for Ivy

Im soooo lazy to write.. but everything feels great even when we're doing shits together. Happy belated birthday to Ivy!! :) I don't think I will ever get tired of singing, unless my voice cracks. Teoheng is <3.
Shall let the pictures do all the talking, although there's not many.

I have you to be with everything will be easy
曬的陽光 淋的雨滴 都值得回憶
I have you to be with 懂心不夠近才怕距離
心電感應 絕不斷訊 會如影隨形

曾灰心以為 我來錯了世界
太多想法很另類 找不到人了解
當我說的感覺 牽動著你的臉
互動的淚 讓我們變得特別

你是我的魔力 想要勇敢就想你
一眨眼楮 把不如意 都變成流星
你是我的魔力 心情不好我就想你
刪除憂郁 復制甜蜜 笑容不結冰

幸福是間電影院 沒有單人的座位
要肩並肩 才能看好戲上演

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