haha, i think amelia and i are bloggin more about dongbang than ourselves, but actually we are blogging about ourselves, cos dbsk is part of our lives =) hahaha, oooh, goosebumps. anyway i came up with a really packed and squeezy schedule to cramp in eveyrthing i need to study for prelims, i just hope i'll follow it cos my physics is really an emergency and my other subjects are not ace-ing either, god knows what i need to do to scrap an A for GP. ouch, reality check.

anyway new updates on dongbang..
well, most of them are busy shooting new haptic CFs and im just happy to see the absence of any of the nine panty-displayers. well well, here's a couple of pictures of what's gonna be released in around mid-july.
Yoomin in action. this is gonna be pretty cool, boxing huh? lol. i just think that yoochun looks pretty tired, guess he still hasn't recover from the previous round in hospital, micky yoochun fighting!!
but im glad to note that changmin is in a good-hair season, he's looking pretty good, haha.

a few more of changmin for ivy =) don't die of nosebleed girl. LOL.

jaejoong in a separate haptic CF. HOT.

Translations (part) of the OK! magazine.
Q: So you might gain some advantages since you are familiar and know well about USA?
Micky: Maybe it’s English communication because I was the only one who could order food
at McDonald’s (smile).
Xiah: We must try to have eye contact with Micky so he could bring us food (everyone laughs).

Q: Any places that are impressive?
Micky: It’s a gas station near Route 66 Road where there was a dog called “Max”,
yeah the same “Max” (point at Max), so we kind of familiar with this dog at the first sight
(show cunning smile).
Hero: If we had anything we didn’t dare to tell Max, we would tell that dog (Micky happily agrees!).
Xiah: Or when we wanted to do something we couldn’t do to Max, we would do to that dog instead
(everyone laughs).

Q: Oh … poor dog! Max, how do you feel about it?
Max: (With worried expression) I feel a bit proud!

Q: Do you know what they told that dog?
Max: No, I didn’t listen and I don’t want to know.
Micky: Good that he didn’t hear anything (laugh).

Lastly a picture of Angel Xiah from their 23rd single Doushite... hahaha.
This is a safe picture of Xiah, saw the video of Xiah's ever famous sexy S-line.... OHMIGOD. im so gonna need bloodpacks. lol.

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